Yes, that’s clickbait.
Sort of.
But it’s also what’s on my mind.
I’m not much of a drinker these days, but my friends still have a running joke about my tastes. I love Guinness. Ralph Kern, author of the Great War calls it the Devil’s Ass Water. He’s not a fan, but for me, the darker the beer the better.
Give me Guinness! Break out the DAW!
I bought a case at Costco with the thought I’d put a #DownWithCorona meme on my Facebook Story or Instagram.
Now that I’ve mentioned shopping at Costco and Corona in the same blog post, let’s talk about why for a second.
Not everyone I know is as on board with flattening the curve as I am. There are several people in my immediate family who are high risk. I’m a first responder and get plenty of exposure no matter how much social distancing I practice.
Why would I want to take extra chances with the health of people I love? What kind of person would I be if I put a stranger at risk because I’m lazy?
Now maybe it is easier for me; I’m comfortable with shaking hands and hugging, but I’m equally okay standing back and just giving a super cool chin nod.
“Hey. What’s up?”
I understand why people are worried. Whether you’re at risk or not, lives are being irrevocably changed and all too often in terrible ways. That’s why I want us to do this right and get it done with as fast as humanly possible. The economy will recover. But we need to support each other until then, and the first thing we can do toward that end is stay at home. Whether you’re a believer or not, just stay home.
My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone in these trying times, even to those who adamantly disagree with me. In the words of a good friend of mine, “Peace, fellow human.”
#StayStrong #StrongerTogether #GodBlessAmerica #HelpSomeOne
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Yea for Guinness Stout
We are definitely staying home!
Excellent! My work is done here. Lol.