- Publisher: Variant Publications
- Available in: Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, Print
- Pages: 328
- Published: January 28, 2020
Only a miracle can save Cain’s people from the combined assault of the Alon and the Sansein fleets.
His friends believe there is a super weapon capable of driving back their enemies but he has his doubts.
To make things worse, a new rival now hunts Cain with a vengeance even as everything is falling apart.
From the void to the urban battlefields in Yansden City to the deepest jungles of the planet’s wilderness, Cain and his friends must search for the Black Phoenix. More than just a weapon, it is now the only chance they have to save both the Exodus Fleet as well as the people of Yandsen.
Time to go to work.
Witness the ninth entry in the acclaimed Last Reaper series from Scott Moon and USA Today Bestselling author J.N. Chaney. If you’re in the mood for action, suspense, and a sarcastic artificial intelligence, then you’ll love this scifi thrill ride.
What Others Are Saying
★★★★★ “Escape from New York with a cyborg. Fuels my 80’s nostalgia in all the best ways.” -Estelle A., Audible Reviewer
★★★★★ “Heart pounding action that kept me turning the page into the early morning.” -Jonathan R., Amazon Reviewer
★★★★★ “A new series to watch. Moon and Chaney know exactly what they’re doing.” – Mike P., Amazon Reviewer
★★★★★ “Chaney has more ideas than any author working today. It’s a bonus that each of them is so well executed. Bring on the next!” -Baptz, Amazon Reviewer
★★★★★ “Somehow both a compliment to the Renegade Universe while also standing on its own. The Last Reaper is fun, exciting, and full of killin’. And I can’t wait for more.” -Jennifer Long, Audible Reviewer