This is the only true road to happiness. Tell me I’m wrong (no, seriously, if you disagree, go crazy in the comments). There is nothing better than stepping back from the social media shit show of modern society, sipping some java at the perfect temperature, and losing yourself in a story.
To be honest, I have to ration my consumption of caffeine or I will stay up all night reading, writing, watching Netflix, or playing video games. Over the last several months I’ve implemented a coffee fasted portion of the day, mostly so I can sleep once in a while. But the result is that my coffee time rocks!
Over six years ago, Josh Hayes and I started Keystroke Medium to connect with other writers and readers. Recently, he pitched an idea to the KSM crew about starting a Keystroke Medium brand of coffee.
It makes sense. What belongs together more than coffee and writers?
I’m including a link to our Keystroke Medium Coffee store. Please check it out and let me know what you think.
What would be an excellent book to enjoy with Keystroke Medium (medium roast)? How about First Strike: Brothers in Arms, Book 1?
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