THE BEST PART of starting a new project is running around with a new character having adventures like something out of an action movie. World building just happens this way. By day two of the project, I am waking up with ideas and scrambling to get them all down. There are many ways to do this, although none of them seem to really capture the magic of “morning imagination.” I have paper, a smart phone, and a computer. Still, the ideas come too fast when I wake up.
The middle of the night is a good time for story revelations, apparently. Getting back to sleep can be a chore. Last night I was able to hold a picture of void-centric aliens in my mind long enough that I believed I might remember the idea in the morning. Every science fiction tale needs a FTL (faster-that-light) mode of travel, and in the universe of Austin Kirk, that mode is void-centric aliens.Hint, these benevolent creatures are not our friends. They would have us believe the galaxy is a peace and they exist only to serve us.Yeah, right.I hope that you will find The Legendary Austin Kirk a rich and entertaining series. Writing it is a blast and I can’t wait to share.#TheLegendaryAustinKirkTwitter: @PayneAuthor